The Yellowjackets of Blue Ridge High School win another State Title last night defeating the Chino Valley Cougars 4-0 in the 2A Boys State Championship game at Coronado High School in Scottsdale Arizona. The Jackets scored early in the contest and lead at the half 2-0. They got an early goal in the 2nd half and their final goal came with about 10 minutes left in the game. The Yellowjacket’s defense played extremely well limiting Chino to very few shots on goal. The Jackets also dominated in time of possession.

Blue Ridge Striker Gustavo Cuiriz Dribbles to avoid defenders. 2020 2A Sate Championship Game.

Blue Ridge Midfielder Cesar Bonilla Advances up the Pitch While Looking for Someone to Pass To. 2020 2A Sate Soccer Championship.

Blue Ridge Defender Jackie Belnap and Keeper Andrew Plath Elevate to Clear a Corner Kick out of the Box. 2020 2A State Soccer Championship Game.

Blue Ridge Soccer Celebrates 2020 State Championship