Watch the 2A North Region Boy’s and Girls Basketball Tournament Here:

Watch the final day of the 2A North Region Tournament below.

Here is the 1:00 Girls 3rd Place Game:

Here is the 3:00 pm Boys 3rd Place Game:

Here is the 6:00 pmĀ Girls Championship game:

Here is the 7:00 pm boys Championship game:

Watch the 2A North Region Tournament Semifinals below.

Here is the 3:00 PM Girls Semifinal game featuring #3 St. Johns vs #2 Alchesay:

Here is the 4:30 Boys Semifinal game featuring #2 Many Farms vs #3 Valley:

Here is the 6:00 PM Girls Semifinal game featuring #4 Many Farms vs #1 Valley:

Here is the 7:30 PM Boys Semifinal game featuring the #4 Hopi vs #1 Alchesay:

